To celebrate its 12th anniversary, the Composers' Orchestra Berlin (C.O.B) is leaving the capital again and heading into uncharted territory. This time, hower, the journey goes further than through the jazz concert halls of southern Germany: With the sixth album "Exoplanet" (release April 12, 2023,...

We’re happy to present our latest CD ‘Holding Pattern’, released on the Jazzhausmusik label in April 2022. A compilation of pieces written by 9 of our composers: Anne Dau, Tom Dayan, Tian Korthals, Heiko Kulenkampff, Hazel Leach, Daniel Meyer, Dirk Strakhof, Fee Stracke, und Agustin Strizzi. Concert...

Im April spielen wir wieder im Schlot: das COB presentiert eine Reihe neuer Free-Range Kompositionen, ua von der Cellistin Anka Hirsch. Wir freuen uns über euer zahlreiches Erscheinen! Samstag 25. April, 21:30 in der Kunstfabrik Schlot Edisonhöfen-Schlegelstrasse 26 10115 Berlin U6 Naturkundemuseum M8, M10 Nordbahnhof...

— Carte-Blanche Concert am 18 September